Tuesday, October 30, 2012

When Beliefs Collide

So I know it has been a while, we have been battling stomach virus and chronic headaches, but hopefully I am back and in full swing.  For the better part of this afternoon, I have been in an argument with fellow Christians about the holidays.  Apparently, we are wrong for celebrating the holidays, especially Halloween, because of its roots in paganism.  This argument never even existed when I was a child, because everyone just dressed up silly and went to get candy.  These days, if you celebrate, then you are condoning the supposed dark nature of Halloween.  The fact that we don't celebrate  for those reasons was a mute point to some people.  Also, the issue of Christmas came up briefly and again we shouldn't celebrate because of paganism.  We don't teach our children that xmas is Jesus' birthday, because there is just not evidence to support it in the Bible and the Bible is our instruction manual.  However, we are apparently supporting paganism by allowing our children to believe in Santa.  Throw stones if you must, but I know it is a lie, but on the other hand, I still believe.  Let me explain...there have been Christmases that we didn't know if our kids would even have a Christmas, but shortly before, something would happen to enable us to provide it.  This is the Santa I believe in and that we tell our kids about.  Whether it is that unexpected money from your boss or someone else or just other people, it was unexpected and it was toys the kids normally wouldn't have gotten...therefore, it WAS Santa.  We have also helped others and asked not to be revealed...just tell them it's from Santa...is this so wrong???  Santa is whatever makes him Santa in your life...the fat guy in a red suit is just a personification.
     So, we dress up and get candy on Halloween...but nothing else, no rituals or anything.  We believe in Santa Claus...our version of him.  My question is, is this wrong ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE or are people just trying to make it wrong to suit their needs.   I have studied the Bible my entire life and have never found it specifically say that these things are wrong.  It does speak out against witchcraft and various other sorceries and sins, but it refers to those who practice such things.  If you aren't practicing such things, where is it a sin??

Have a great day!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's finally Friday!!!

Glad the weekend is here and things are looking a little skyward finally!!!!  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Laugh as much as you can, it will make you feel better!!! If you have kids, play a little rib guitar,(if you don't know what that is...well...) go to a pumpkin patch or just hang out and NOT BE ADULTS for a couple days...unless of course there is no other option but discipline...then you can be adults for a little bit and then you can revert back to kid-dom.

On My Brain

I had to post this, because it has been on my brain for a while now.  It kills me nowadays how nothing can be said to anyone without someone else thinking it is about them.  No opinions can be expressed without people thinking that you hate them.  Is that not how God created us??? With the ability to think on our own??  Is that not what got Adam and Eve in trouble??? God knew they would sin, it wasn't some great surprise to him.  He gave us the ability to think for ourselves, but he also gave us the ability to know and do better.  So, just because someone is talking to someone else about something, this doesn't mean it is about you all the time.  Just because someone's opinion differs from yours doesn't mean they hate you.  If that were the case, I'd sure have a lot of people to hate.  When families stop speaking because they always think someone is "out to get them" or that someone is always talking about them or their opinions differ, the problem is clear....people need to look at their lives and examine what is really going on.  While I may not agree with you, I don't hate you.  You are entitled to your own opinion.  While I may talk to other family members about things, it isn't necessarily about you and if it is, it isn't necessarily bad.  I don't worry about what you may say, because the people that matter, know better.  I have more important things to do and think about than who is saying and doing what.
     God gave us free will and with that the knowledge of right and wrong.  He knows we will mess up and that is why we have the avenue of forgiveness.  He never intended for us to be run like a dictatorship.  He doesn't expect us to cave in to things that we don't agree with just to make others happy and it drives me crazy that people want to "take their ball and go home" just because their rules differ from yours.  There is something seriously wrong when you are so convinced that people are always talking about you that you speak to them if you have to and otherwise you want to yell and scream and cut them out of everything.  Think about it people....the world does not revolve around you....your world may, but that is the only one that does.

Love ya'll!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Einstein made Frankenstein

Well, yesterday I found out something very interesting from my six year old.  He was talking about Einstein, so I asked him if he knew who Einstein was.  He said yes ma'am, he's a really smart guy.  I told him he was correct to which he added..."he made Frankenstein."  After containing my laughter, I explained that Einstein was a real person and Frankenstein was a fictional character...to which he replied, "but Einstein made him cause they both have stein in their name."  I just giggled and left it alone.  Who am I to argue with six year old logic.
See ya later,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So let's try this out

Since I have never....ever done this, I think I'll try it out before doing a for real blog and looking like a complete doofus. :)  I guess I will use this blog to post the daily happenings in our crazy house....hope it's good for a laugh!!